Dr. Fauci’s thoughts on voting in person vs. voting by mail

“Can people safely go out and vote in person?”

Dr. Fauci: “there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to vote in person”

3 thoughts on “Dr. Fauci’s thoughts on voting in person vs. voting by mail

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter
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    Thanks for the info Randy. The entire record is as I suspected. The good doctor, who I respect without reservation, gave a ‘best case’ scenario without political realities. The long lines at the recent primaries due to voter suppression were a reality. For the general election, polling places will be further restricted due to unavailability of poll workers. Our situation here is case in point: this is a small semi-rural area. Our polling place is in a local VFW. The supervisor of the poll is 70+ years old. The half dozen poll workers are all older than her. All are women. Voting by mail is the best option since that poll may not muster enough workers to function; thus it will likely be closed. Where we could cast an in person vote is the great unknown.

    I have re-read the interview Dr. Fauci gave several times. His response to the question was obviously a theoretical conclusion for ‘normal circumstances’ during the pandemic. Intentional voter suppression, realities of polling places difficulties for those polls that will be available, the huge crowd of voters with mega hour waits to cast votes, the ages of mostly female senior poll workers, all play into the realities of today. Just as some teachers are having second thoughts about returning to classrooms, the senior poll workers are probably feeling those emotions too. Whether or not they will show up on election day is a toss up at this point. Not to be overlooked the good doctor stated that ‘other’ methods of voting are permitted also. Voting by mail is one of those options. Our household has already applied for absentee ballots. I am 83 and my wife is a few years younger. We follow the guidelines including avoiding large crowds. I strongly urge our members and other seniors to avoid the crowds at polling places by using the mail in option. And by the way, as currently staffed the Postal Service can move red tagged political mail on a timely basis if Post Office bosses don’t intentionally delay the mail.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Philadelphia, PA Area Local
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    Retiree Activist and Advocate
    Email Address


    The source link from National Geographic’s interview is below. It contains the video(s) and also a full transcript.

    Source: What Fauci says the U.S. really needs to reopen safely

    If you don’t want to give National Geographic your email address to view the article, I’ve copied the transcript and made it available by clicking here.

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter
    Office held, if any
    Email Address

    I would like to see the full statement and the context.

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