Danny Glover leads postal worker rally downtown D.C.

By Emily Heil – May 14, 2015

Hey, isn’t that… actor Danny Glover, leading a group of sign-toting protesters in front of the post office building at 14th and L Streets downtown?

Photo by Matt Kent.

The “Lethal Weapon” star, looking rally-chic in a pair of cargo pants, a union-logo T-shirt, and a sport coat, joined members of the American Postal Workers Union on their national “day of action” to protect jobs and protest reduced mail services. The son of two postal workers seems to be focusing more these days on the latter part of his actor-activist hyphenate — he’s appeared several times recently on behalf of the union.

Source: Danny Glover leads postal worker rally downtown D.C. – The Washington Post

One thought on “Danny Glover leads postal worker rally downtown D.C.

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Cape Girardeau Area Local 4088
    Office held, if any
    Awesome. Really appreciate Mr. Glover’s support and dedication. He comes from a USPS background and fully undestands the importance of a secure, trusted mail service for ALL Americans.

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