APWU: Wearing it on Your Sleeve

[maxgallery id=”34243″]Web News Article #:  057-2015
shirt03/20/2015 – If you want to wear your solidarity on your sleeve, APWU Forever T-shirts are available for purchase for $12 each, plus shipping and handling. The shirt features the “Our Postal Service: Yesterday, Today, Forever” logo on the back and a small APWU insignia on the front. It is available in sizes small to 4X.

A poster of actor Danny Glover, a renowned friend of postal workers, is also available. The poster is free; shipping and handling fees are $10 per order.

The poster bears an inscription: “For the American Postal Workers Union, Keep up the good fight. I’m right there with you,” followed by Glover’s signature. It also features a metal label bearing Glover’s name and the tag line, “Lethal Weapon for Labor.”

The poster was suggested at the APWU’s 2014 National Convention, after Glover thrilled delegates with an impassioned speech about his parents’ careers as postal employees and their commitment to their union and to social justice.

via Wearing it on Your Sleeve | APWU.

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