APWU: USPS Hit with Nearly $80,000 in OSHA Fines at SC Plant

Web News Article #: 185-2015

09/18/2015 - After inspections at a Greenville, South Carolina, mail processing plant, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) issued four citations for safety violations and fines of $79,900 on Sept. 15.

09/18/2015 – After inspections at a Greenville, South Carolina, mail processing plant, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) issued four citations for safety violations and fines of $79,900 on Sept. 15.

One violation was labeled “willful;” three others were considered “serious.”

The willful violation, for aisles that are blocked by containers of mail and equipment, must be corrected by Sept. 28. The blocked aisles restrict traffic flow and expose employees to the possibility of being hit by powered industrial trucks (PITs) and other equipment.

The three serious violations were corrected on the spot.

The Postal Service is obligated to comply with OSHA regulations listed in 29 CFR 1910. For more info, visit www.osha.gov.

Within 15 working days of receiving a citation, an employer that wishes to contest a citation or fine must submit a written objection to OSHA.

Source: USPS Hit with Nearly $80,000 in OSHA Fines at South Carolina Plant | APWU

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One thought on “APWU: USPS Hit with Nearly $80,000 in OSHA Fines at SC Plant

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Phoenix Metro

    That’s all it took for an 80k fine ? Man, let me find that #.

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