APWU: Union Members Bring Home the Bacon

bring-home-the-baconWeb News Article #: 014-22016
02/02/2016 – Union members are bringing home a lot more bacon—on average $204 more per week than their non-union counterparts. According to new statistics from the Department of Labor, workers who belong to a union earned an average of $980 per week in 2015, compared to just $776 for non-union workers. The percent of unionized workers did not change between 2014 and 2015, remaining at 11.1 percent.

Other highlights of the report include:

  • Union members are five times more likely to work in the public sector than the private sector. Within the public sector, almost half work for local government, 41.3 percent.
  • Men continue to have a slightly higher union membership rate, 11.5 percent, than women, 10.6 percent.
  • Black workers are more likely to be union members than white, Asian, or Hispanic workers.
  • New York State continues to have the highest union membership rate, at 24.7 percent. South Carolina has the lowest, at 2.1 percent.


Source: Union Members Bring Home the Bacon | APWU

Related: Statement by US Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez on BLS 2015 Union Membership report

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