APWU WR Coordinator Gonzalez: Sticky Fingers Want USPS [podcast]

August 1, 2018 In April of 2018 an Executive Order was written to evaluate whether our US Postal Service should be handed over to business abandoning the Constitutionally mandated public postal system, which pays for it self and it NOT supported by taxpayer dollars. In today’s interview Omar Gonzalez describes what’s at stake and asks…

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PRC Chairman’s Statement on President Trump’s UPU Memorandum

Washington, DC – On August 23, 2018, President Donald J. Trump issued a Presidential Memorandum (https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/presidential-memorandum-secretary-state-secretary-treasury-secretary-homeland-security-postmaster-general-chairman-postal-regulatory-commission/) detailing his direction to modernizing the monetary reimbursement model for the delivery of goods through the international postal system and enhancing the security and safety of international mail. The memorandum was addressed to the Secretaries of State, the Treasury,…

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