Western PA Postal Workers Solidarity Committee Update – September 2016

Members of the Western Pennsylvania Postal Workers Solidarity Committee protested in front of a Staples location in Robinson Township, PA, on Aug. 28.

Members of the Western Pennsylvania Postal Workers Solidarity Committee protested in front of a Staples location in Robinson Township, PA, on Aug. 28.

Via John P. Richards, President – Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter of the APWU:

“Now that Summer is over, and the demands of that season are diminishing, more time should be freed up to allow joining the demonstrations. It is inexcusable that so much is at stake yet a mere handful of activists continue to carry the ball for the rank and file while so many sit idly by depending on the kindness of others to save their jobs. We invite and urge that you join with us at the demonstrations scheduled on the reverse of our newsletters. Your job is at stake. We have admonished many times over the years that later regrets count for nothing. Don’t be a spectator watching your job go down the tubes when a little action now can save it. We will be looking for you on the line! Be there!”

One thought on “Western PA Postal Workers Solidarity Committee Update – September 2016

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    "Cradle of Labor" Flint MI Area Local Retiree Chapter
    Office held, if any
    Past President Michigan State Retiree Chapter & Former Central Region National Retiree Representative (a.k.a. Delegate)
    One of the very few things that I can agree with JPR on is the absence of the very postal workers, mostly APWU members, whose jobs are on the chopping block! The same was curiously apparent with picket demonstrations at facilities targeted for closure or consolidation. APWU leadership catered to the “under-35 Young Members” in Convention. In ‘retirement’ as a Local Chapter former officer, it’s my intent to write mentoring columns in my best means of communication; “The Michigan Messenger”. I’m considering mentoring the under-35, as well as members contemplating retirement and those newly retired. There’s a lot to pass on. I believe APWU Locals and Local Retiree Chapters are at a crossroads in recruiting the next generation(s) of leadership.

    But, I just don’t get the apathy, or indifference of the active APWU represented members when it’s either a Staples demonstration against privatizing THEIR work, or closures & consolidations severely affecting their conditions of work. I just don’t get it, and neither do the Local & State Retiree Chapter officers and members who go to great lengths to preserve and protect active member’s work,
    and a sparse few, if any active employees join in. We’re failing at the grassroots level!

    The only excuse I’ve heard is; “The demonstrations are held during my work hours.” I’ve witnessed where the Local couldn’t even get their E-Board officers to participate! That there seems to be little interest among the active membership is the one major complaint and phenomenon that retiree members express (with disgust). It’s damned disconcerting when the very sisters & brothers whose jobs are at stake won’t even minimally step up. It’s like their head’s are in the sand and need a hefty kick in the butt! It’s up to those great minds at 1300 L Street to figure this out. If someone doesn’t address this serious internal issue, APWU is going to wither from within.

    As retirees, we are happy to participate and demonstrate on behalf of our active brothers’ & sisters’ welfare partly because we don’t want to witness everything we helped build to crumble before our very eyes. It’s been a struggle to just maintain what we have for more than 3 decades now. It’s time to be brutally honest with the active member, from PSE to F.T. Career that; “Wake Up! The Lord and Union helps those who help themselves”! I firmly believe that this needs to be a priority of the NEB if APWU is to survive as we know it.

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