RFK, Jr. and Seder: U.S. Postal Service Fighting for Survival (video)

(Published on May 22, 2014) Ring of Fire’s Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Sam Seder discuss the protest by many U.S. Postal Service workers against a deal with Staples that could threaten their jobs.

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The ED Show: GOP’s latest attempt to destroy the postal service (video)

Ed Schultz and Sen. Bernie Sanders discuss the Republicans latest attack on the U.S. Postal Service. (starts at 1:30) via GOP’s latest attempt to destroy the postal service | MSNBC.

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USPS lost $1.9 billion; UPS makes $1.5 billion. What’s wrong with this picture?

Through rain, sleet, snow, the mail is delivered and I am truly grateful for the men and women of the US Postal Service (USPS). However, I must admit to being alarmed at the fiscal management of the organization. According to The Hill, “The USPS lost $1.9 billion over its most recent quarter, despite bringing in…

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Postal patrons should rise up against foolishness

On page A3 of your April 28 issue, you carried an Associated Press article entitled “Smaller towns adjusting to post office changes.” It is absolutely unbelievable papers such as yours would carry something like this without at least an accompanying article to rebut some of the info put forth in this article. It is very…

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APWU WR Coordinator Gonzalez on Jeff & Mike Show – 5/4/14

“We talk with Omar M. Gonzalez, Western Region Coordinator of the APWU, about the efforts by some politicians in Washington to sabotage the Post Office and privatize it.” (Listen at 27:50 to 54:30) via Podcast site of the Jeff & Mike Show

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Postal Service, lawmakers clash over improving finances

The Postal Service’s improving financial situation is fueling a debate between the agency, lawmakers and unions over what kind of legislation is needed to save the struggling agency. At stake are billions of dollars, tens of thousands of jobs and the future of the agency. The debate centers on which income best represents the Postal…

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Veterans, Savings, a Contentious Hearing

May 1, 2014 – (This article appears in the May-June 2014 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) John L. Marcotte, Legislative & Political Department Director It’s rarely quiet in the legislative arena, and as past President Moe Biller was fond of saying, “The struggle continues.” Senate bill 1950, which would have repealed a cut…

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