USPS Operation Santa launches online catalog powered by Toys ‘R’ Us
New e-commerce option for gift fulfillment makes it easy to shop for and ship the perfect gift
New e-commerce option for gift fulfillment makes it easy to shop for and ship the perfect gift
November 20, 2023 The season for giving and making wishes come true has arrived. Beginning Nov. 20, Postal Service employees and customers can go to the USPS Operation Santa website where they can make someone’s holiday special in four steps: read, shop, wrap and ship. The site allows visitors to read letters from children and others who…
September 18, 2023 The USPS Operation Santa program is accepting letters from people in need as the man up North gets a head start fulfilling wishes this holiday season. The Postal Service made the announcement on Sept. 18. The 111-year-old program provides an online way people can safely and securely help children and families have…