OPM Announces a FEHB Program Limited Enrollment Period for Active Federal Employees

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Wednesday, January 27, 2016
self_plus_one_2WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will administer a Limited Enrollment Period for active employees enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. This Limited Enrollment Period will run from February 1, 2016 until February 29, 2016.

“A record number of FEHB enrollees made enrollment changes during the recent Open Season, but we know there are still some enrollees in Self and Family who can benefit from changing their enrollment to Self Plus One,” said John O’Brien, OPM’s Director of Healthcare and Insurance. “The Limited Enrollment Period will allow those individuals a second opportunity to make the change.”

The following applies to changes made during the Limited Enrollment Period:

  • Only for active employees enrolled in Self and Family (must be paying for premiums pre-tax).
  • Decreases in enrollment to Self Plus One are the only allowable enrollment changes.
  • No changes in plans, no option changes, no increases or other decreases in enrollment are allowed.
  • All enrollment changes will be prospective to the first day of the first pay period following the one in which the change is requested.

Electronic enrollment systems will be available for use during this time, and employees are encouraged to make their changes electronically. They should contact their local HR office if they experience any issues or have additional questions. More information on how to enroll is available at https://www.opm.gov/healthcare-insurance/healthcare/enrollment/.

The Limited Enrollment Period does not apply to annuitants, Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) enrollees, and other individuals who do not participate in premium conversion because they may decrease their enrollment at any time. Annuitants who are interested in doing so may contact the OPM’s Retirement Office throughout the year. Following the Limited Enrollment Period, individuals who participate in premium conversion will need to experience a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) in order to decrease their enrollment type outside of Open Season. The Limited Enrollment Period only applies to the FEHB Program.

Source: OPM Announces a FEHB Program Limited Enrollment Period for Active Federal Employees

More information is available on the Self Plus One LiteBlue page.

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