National Business Agent Pete Coradi Endorsement of Mark Dimondstein and the Solidarity Team

On Behalf of Brother Pete Coradi, I have been asked to post his endorsement of the Solidarity Team

Dear APWU Family:

I am pleased to announce the endorsement of the APWU Solidarity Team, in the 2022 APWU National Officer Election.

This team of dedicated Officers led by APWU President Mark Dimondstein is best equipped to face the difficult challenges we are faced with.

Protecting Voting by Mail and successfully challenging the efforts of PMG DeJoy to destroy service from within upon his arrival in 2020; to ensuring COVID protections and safe working conditions for postal workers during the horrific pandemic, to achieving legislative success with the American Rescue Plan and sorely needed Postal Reform, to securing a solid 2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement, the APWU Solidarity Team has demonstrated it is up to the task.

I hope you join me in voting for the APWU Solidarity Team!

In solidarity,
Pete Coradi
National Business Agent
Clerk Division, New York Region
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO

First Name: Charlie
Last Name: Cash
Union/Local: Buffalo Local
Office held if any: Industrial Relations Director

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