Duluth postal center gets a reprieve in the face of nationwide closures

April 9, 2015
Duluth, MN (NNCNOW.com) — Thursday evening postal workers at the Duluth Mail Processing Center were told they could keep their jobs beyond a government set deadline for closure.  That is also good news for postal patrons here in the Northland.

The U.S. Postal Service was to begin consolidating the Duluth facility this month as part of its nationwide plan to cut costs.

Under the plan, delays were expected for mail delivery posted in the region because all mail would be sent to the Twin Cities for processing.

Up to 80 workers at the processing center would also be forced to seek new positions elsewhere. But Thursday they received news that changed that plan.

“We believe this is very good for the workers. Most people, if not all of them, will save their job in Duluth, Minnesota. They will not have to uproot their families, move and try to relocate to a different position,” Postal Union President, Todd Fawcett, said.

Fawcett was told some mail will still be sent to the Twin Cities for processing along with some of the equipment at the Duluth center.

Postal workers from Duluth, MN and Congressman Rick Nolan

Postal workers from Duluth, MN and Congressman Rick Nolan at an earlier protest

Congressman Rick Nolan and U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar have been outspoken opponents of the closure.

via Duluth postal center gets a reprieve in the face of nationwide closures | KBJR 6 & Range 11 | KDLH 3: News, Weather, Sports for Duluth MN / Superior WI / Northland | Local News.

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