Send a Message to the Postmaster General: I Stand with Postal Workers!

Web News Article #: 087-2015
04/27/2015 – With the Collective Bargaining Agreement set to expire in less than a month, APWU negotiators – and members – are turning up the heat.

The union is launching an ambitious program to mobilize support for the final stretch, including a postcard campaign.

APWU members are working to secure signatures on postcards that bear the message, “I Stand with Postal Workers,” which will be mailed to Postmaster General Megan Brennan.

Two postcards are being mailed to every member, with an additional supply sent to local and state presidents, national officers, Contract Action Team (CAT) leaders, retiree chapter presidents and leaders of the APWU Auxiliary for supplemental distribution to their members. Locals and state organizations as well as retiree and auxiliary chapters that submit large numbers of signed postcards are eligible for special recognition.

In addition, the postcard can also be signed online by clicking here. The APWU will print and mail postcards that are completed online.

“I urge every APWU member to sign a postcard, ask your family, friends and neighbors to sign a postcard as well, and mail them or return them to your local union officers,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “Let’s turn up the heat and show the Postmaster General that the people stand with us!”

For more information, visit

Source: Send a Message to the Postmaster General: I Stand with Postal Workers! | APWU

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