Web News Article #: 089-2015
04/29/2015 – APWU members are turning up the heat with a National Day of Action on May 14 – just one week before the union’s Collective Bargaining Agreement is slated to expire.
APWU members will hold events in cities and towns across the country, organized around the theme, “I Stand with Postal Workers.”
“Locals and state organizations should be making plans now,” APWU President Mark Dimondstein said. “Events can range from rallies to press conferences to getting postcards signed outside post offices.
“We are asking locals to reach out to APWU members, our sister postal unions, and other allies to stand with us at post offices on May 14 as we demonstrate support for Good Postal Service! Good Jobs! Good Contract!
“The next day, we will begin the final push of intense negotiations – around the clock, if necessary – so it’s important that we have a strong showing,” he added. “We can only win a good contract if APWU officers, stewards and members are actively engaged, so let’s carry on!”
Click here for a flyer suitable for distribution to allies, friends, neighbors and other potential supporters.
Click here for a flyer you can customize to announce the details of your event.
To find an event near you, or for more info, please visit http://www.apwu.org/may-14-national-day-action-i-stand-postal-workers.
Source: National Day of Action Set for Thursday, May 14 | APWU
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU Philadelphia, PA Area Local #89 - Retiree Chapter
Office held, if any
Member / 21CPW Site Administrator
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Union and NAME of Local/Branch
UAW Local 450
Office held, if any
Steward and shop committee
I live in Newton Ia, I would like to attend and support an event.