APWU: As Contract Deadline Nears, Union Gears Up for Action

contract_sticker04/20/2015 – With the Collective Bargaining Agreement set to expire in one month, APWU negotiators – and members – are preparing to turn up the heat!

“As we enter the final month of bargaining, it will soon become clear whether management is serious about reaching a negotiated settlement,” said President Mark Dimondstein.

“Our bargaining team is pursuing every opportunity to win a contract that is fair to our members and that allows us to give the people of the country the service they expect and deserve,” he said.

“To keep the pressure on the Postal Service during the final weeks of negotiations, we must demonstrate the commitment of our members and the support of the American people for our goals – Good Service! Good Jobs! Good Contract!

The union is launching an ambitious program to mobilize support for the final stretch.


Postcard_apwuThe APWU is working to secure signatures on postcards bearing the message, “I Stand with Postal Workers,” which we will mail to Postmaster General Megan Brennan.

A postcard is being mailed to every member, with an additional supply sent to local and state presidents, national officers, Contract Action Team (CAT) leaders, retiree chapter presidents and leaders of the APWU Auxiliary for supplemental distribution to their members. Locals and state organizations, as well as retiree and auxiliary chapters that submit large numbers of signed postcards are eligible for special recognition.

“I urge every APWU member to sign a postcard, ask your family, friends and neighbors to sign a postcard as well, and mail them or return them to your local union officers,” Dimondstein said.

National Day of Action – May 14

The union plans to hold events in cities and towns across the country, organized around the theme, “I Stand with Postal Workers.”

“Locals and state organizations should begin making plans now and reach out to APWU members, our sister postal unions and other allies for support,” Dimondstein said. “Events can range from rallies to press conferences to passing out flyers outside post offices. We hope that every local will step up and hold an event.

“The next day, we will begin the final push of intense negotiations – around the clock, if necessary – so it’s important that we have a strong showing,” he added. “We can only win a good contract if APWU officers, stewards and members are actively engaged, so let’s carry on!”

Town Hall Call – May 6

Union members are invited to take part in a phone call with President Dimondstein and other members of the negotiating team to hear an update on bargaining. Two time slots are available: 12 p.m. and 8 p.m. EDT. Participants must register online by 6 p.m. EDT on May 5. At the appropriate time, all you have to do is answer your phone!

via As Contract Deadline Nears, Union Gears Up for Action | APWU.

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