APWU 480-481 Area Local’s March Gets Horns Honking

APWU supporters hold an informational picket  outside the Hazel Park Post Office on July 31.

APWU supporters hold an informational picket outside the Hazel Park Post Office on July 31.

Web News Article #: 154-2015
08/03/2015 – The horns were honking in front of the Hazel Park [MI] Post Office on July 31, as motorists showed their support for Good Postal Service! Good Jobs! Good Contract!

Members of the 480-481 Area Local held an informational picket and march, starting at Felker Field and ending at the post office.

Members of the APWU Detroit District Area Local participated, along with APWU retirees and other supporters, such as members of IATSE (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees), AFT (American Federation of Teachers), NARFE (National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association), the AFL-CIO and two branches of the NALC (National Association of Letter Carriers).

“When we reached the post office, most of us held up signs facing the traffic, resulting in an almost constant chorus of supportive honking horns,” said Paul Felton, a retired member of the 480-481 Local, who attended the march.

Source: 480-481 Area Local’s March Gets Horns Honking | APWU

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