Zero tolerance: USPS committed to safe workplaces

USPS is reminding employees that the organization has a zero tolerance policy regarding workplace threats and violence.

The Postal Service is committed to cultivating a positive and safe work environment that’s free of threats, intimidation, bullying and violence for all employees.

To help fulfill this commitment, a threat assessment team is available to respond to threats, assaults and potential violence at all USPS locations. These teams are located at district and area offices and USPS headquarters in Washington, DC.

Team members are trained to assess the danger or harm of threats, whether implied or direct. The goals are to reduce risks to employees and the Postal Service, discourage inappropriate behavior and resolve conflicts.

If you’ve been threatened or believe you’re in a potentially unsafe situation that involves a co-worker, contractor, customer or management — or if you’re experiencing a domestic violence situation that could pose a threat in the workplace — notify your immediate supervisor, the local threat assessment team and the Postal Inspection Service.

The zero tolerance policy and reporting procedures are distributed by every district, area and headquarters by the end of March each year at all USPS locations.

All facilities must permanently post the policy on bulletin boards and other prominent locations. The Postal Service wants all managers and supervisors to deliver a stand-up talk to employees to ensure they know how to contact their local threat assessment team.

The USPS social media policy stipulates that the use of social media must abide by all postal policy concerning appropriate conduct and threats of violence in the workplace.

Report emergency situations to the Postal Inspection Service at 877-876-2455 or call 911. The Postal Inspection Service number is monitored 24/7.

Related: USPS: Zero Tolerance policy on workplace threats and violence

Source: USPS

One thought on “Zero tolerance: USPS committed to safe workplaces

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Email Address

    I’m just curious to know the procedure for reporting to threat assessment…

    I informed a manager at the LA NDC there was an issue with an acting supervisor that aggressively approached me pointing her finger in my face trying to give me a “direct order” while I was working. The acting manager took his time about getting back to me (at least 2weeks) then decided to bring me in the office along with a 204B asking questions about the situation even though I had already told him what happened. Still I’ve heard absolutely nothing else from the situation and I’m beginning to feel he’s a huge part of this ongoing inappropriate behavior and bullying which is causing a lot of discomfort on my job.

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