Will TPP Kill the Post Office?

United States Post Office signBy Dave Johnson – June 5, 2015
Corporations are notorious for sneaking things into laws and regulations before the public can find out and rally to stop it. And we know from the conservative Supreme Court arguments against the Affordable Care Act that even what amounts to a typo can be used to change the obvious meaning and intent of a law.

These are reasons we need to see the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership before Congress votes to pre approve it with fast track trade promotion authority (TPA). They are pushing what is literally a pig in a poke on us. We the people need to open that bag and have a good, long look inside before fast track buys the TPP pig in our name.

Negotiated in secret by corporate representatives, it is probable that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is loaded with things the big corporations have snuck in. We already know from leaks that TPP contains provisions allowing companies to sue our government in “corporate courts” if they feel a law or regulation is cutting into their profits. What else is in there?

Read more: Will TPP Kill the Post Office? | Dave Johnson

Related, via AFL-CIO:

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