Attached is a current list of all 29,946 postal facilities in the United States. These are postal-owned or leased buildings staffed with postal employees. This list includes the facility name, facility type, street address, nine-digit Zip code and finance number. I’ve noticed that postal job offers are sometimes lacking this information. The CBA makes a distinction between a “facility” and an “installation” numerous times.
Most job listings on eReassign omit the specific facility’s name and Zip code when the installation/bid cluster has multiple facilities. That information was required to be on the bid notice when posted locally, but it gets dropped when posted on eReassign. For example, every duty assignment for the Seattle bid cluster simply says Seattle, not the specific facility like Ballard 98107, Burien 98166 or Bainbridge Island 98110.
I’ve noticed the same deficiency with Article 12 excessing preference forms. The gaining installation/bid cluster may have 80 available duty assignments spread over several facilities, but the preferencing form fails to mention which specific facility the duty assignment is in. The excessed clerk is forced to preference jobs blindly. Location is an important factor for commuters and Relief and Pool Clerks.
PSEs and PTFs ran into the same obstacle last year. They were forced to preference small PostPlan post offices with no idea where they were. They had no time to consult with their families or union officials. Their preferencing lists included no addresses or Zip codes to help them sort out the nearest ones. A district by district list of bid clusters and the postal facilities in them would be helpful.
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
HI This list was posted AS A LIST on It says only ALL post offices are not listed. Guess they posted only the list, not the description that goes along with names/zip codes. I will post the link and hopefully that will straighten them out. topic discussion on is something like not all zip codes. Have a great week.