What will APWU do to ensure others don’t die from COVID-19 and management’s negligence?

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This evening an Electronic Technician at North Metro in Georgia died of COVID-19. This should weigh heavily on USPS’s shoulders and especially those who were directly involved and aware at Metro Georgia. An E.T. lost his life to COVID-19 that he contracted while performing his bid job duties at this plant.

OSHA has fined this facility at least three times. Multiple complaints have been made about the building not being cleaned routinely. In fact, the USPS (apparently in conjunction with fines, an order made by OSHA) is hiring contractors to clean the bathrooms (only).

So now, what about the break rooms? What about the trace program and what about the family that lost a loved one and another employee who will have to carry around an oxygen tank for the rest of his life?

USPS management is quick to issue discipline to us, the employees, because a rule or policy is not adhered to but nothing is done when USPS doesn’t follow their own tracing process policies?

So I’ll ask – What is our National APWU Union doing to ensure that the USPS will follow their own tracing program? How many more people have to die Mr. Dimondstein? What is APWU National doing?

The above was submitted anonymously to 21cpw from an APWU dues paying member (and vetted by me)  who just wants an answer. – RZ, Site Administrator

Bob Sokolowski – September 17, 1949 – January 18, 2021

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