On Thursdays: Wear APWU Shirts, Buttons, Caps and Gear

good_contract_apwuWeb News Article #: 117-2015
06/03/2015 – As the union prepare for mediation on a new collective bargaining agreement the role of rank-and-file members remains critical, APWU President Mark Dimondstein says. “Your continued involvement can make a difference as we move to mediation and possibly to arbitration,” he said.

“I urge every member to get involved and help keep our momentum going as we enter this new period in our struggle.

“Postal management pays attention to how many of our members are wearing union buttons, stickers and T-shirts, as well as how many union members are taking part in rallies and other events. They take it as a measure of the union’s strength,” he said.

The union is calling on APWU members to make sure management sees our union strength by wearing union gear every Thursday, beginning on June 4. “This is a simple way that we can continue to demonstrate solidarity and build our campaign for a good contract,” he said.

“The ‘I Stand with Postal Workers’ postcards are an excellent way to let Postmaster General Megan Brennan know that the people of the country want what we want: Good Postal Service! Good Jobs! Good Contract! It’s important that we continue to collect signatures to keep the pressure on management,” Dimondstein said.

“Our struggle continues,” he said. “Stay strong, stay united, and keep Standing Up and Fighting Back!

Source: Wear APWU Shirts, Buttons, Caps and Gear | APWU

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