As a response to comments on this site and the 21cpw Facebook group, the original post with chart has been updated as follows:
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Original Post:
Via John Marcotte, former APWU National Legislative Director and Health Plan Director:
Vote NO! The membership has earned more and deserves better.
Upon review of the proposed 2021 contract, I find it is severely lacking in any gains and if you consider inflation, this proposed contract is a net loss of spending power for our membership over the life of this contract. Considering this offering from the negotiating team is in an environment of record low unemployment rates and the highest rise in worker’s wages in recent memory, the 2021 APWU proposed contract is an insult to career members who have given up so much over recent contracts and to the PSEs who continue to be relegated to second-class status.
Please see the below spread sheet which shows the impact of the 2021 proposed contract on our members if this contract is approved through January 2023.
Read more:
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Latest Update by John Marcotte – February 22, 2022
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