June 6, 2015
INDIANA (WTHI) – The United States Postal Service is looking for 700 new hires. The salary for a rural carrier associate (RCA) is $16.65 an hour plus an equipment maintenance allowance. The employee may be required to use his or her personal vehicle. However, compensation will be provided.
If you are interested in a position, check out their website! Once there you should click on Indiana and you will see a number of Rural Carrier Associate positions open in several zip codes. Applicants must have a valid state driver’s license, a safe driving record, and at least two years of documented driving experience.
ALL applicants must apply online. Paper applications will not be accepted.
Source: U.S. Postal Service looking for 700 new hires | WTHITV.com
[Site Admin’s note: WTHITV.com erroneously used file footage of UPS workers in their video report.]