Video: USPS investigating payroll discrepancies at San Antonio’s Arsenal branch post office

By Barry Davis – April 23, 2015
The United States Postal Service confirmed to Eyewitness News it has an “ongoing internal investigation” at its Arsenal branch post office in San Antonio, involving payroll discrepancies.

A spokesperson for the service would not give any other statement but the president of the National Association of Letter Carriers Alamo Branch 421 gave a little more information.

Tony Boyd, president of the union’s local chapter said he knows two postal employees are on administrative leave after he and a union steward brought irregularities in postal employees “ring times” to the attention of the local postmaster and regional director.

Times, written up daily, apparently do not match the amount of time carriers say it’s taking them to do their job.

A good example, according to Boyd, is the first mail delivery day after any given holiday or the Christmas holiday season. There is naturally a heavier volume of mail to sort and be delivered, but there may be a discrepancy in the time supervisors claim it should take to deliver that heavier volume of mail.

Once Boyd and the union steward reported the discrepancy they had found to the local Postmaster and Regional Director, the postal service launched their internal investigation. There is no time frame on when that investigation will wrap up, but the spokesperson for the postal service said if we checked back in a couple of days they may have more information.

via USPS investigating happenings at Arsenal branch post office –

One thought on “Video: USPS investigating payroll discrepancies at San Antonio’s Arsenal branch post office

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    TCAL 3800
    Office held, if any
    Maintenance Craft Director
    USPS when you get done investigating there come on to Drexel Hill, Pa and am sure if you audited payroll here you would see how management does the same here. All crafts need to be aware

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