USPS using technology to spur growth, PMG says at National Postal Forum

PMG_Brennan_NPFThe Postal Service is making strategic investments in technology, PMG Megan Brennan told mailing industry leaders May 18.

“We’re especially committed to investing in innovation to spur growth and profitability,” Brennan said at the National Postal Forum, the industry’s largest annual conference.

One example: USPS is developing a daily digital notification service that will allow customers to see what’s arriving in their physical mailbox, the PMG said.

The project, known as real mail notification, is being tested in Northern Virginia and will expand to New York City this year. Initial results are encouraging: Ninety percent of participants use the service daily to check what’s arriving in their mail.

“We’re building this platform to bring physical content onto the same screen as the user’s digital content. The potential is enormous for this industry,” Brennan said.

The PMG also discussed opportunities for the industry to leverage the rapid adoption of digital and mobile technology by consumers.

“Our industry has a big role to play in that digital future,” she said.

A transcript of the PMG’s speech is available online (or see below). A video will be posted when it’s available on the Newsroom site.

Source: USPS News Link Story – Innovative investments

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