Post Office card readers will now process the EuroPay, MasterCard and Visa chips on many debit and credit cards.
The Postal Service has begun to roll out upgraded credit card payment technology to help guard against fraud.
The card readers at Post Office retail counters will now process the EuroPay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) chips on many debit and credit cards.
The card readers are also equipped with encryption technology to better protect customers’ personal account information.
“The technology will fight credit card fraud by introducing unique data into every transaction,” said Wendi Tate, a customer payment technologies specialist at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC.
Retail associates are receiving specialized training on the new EMV technology.
In addition, all employees can take the following Learning Management System training courses: EMV 101 — Accepting Chip Cards (course number 10027017) and Retail Clerk Training (course number 10023328).
The rollout of the EMV chip card technology is expected to last until the summer.
Source: USPS