USPS: “Under No Circumstances” should employees be charging personal cell phones using Government Outlets and Computers

eating_bananaPostal Banana Policy

Somebody slipped on a banana peel at some post office somewhere.
Response: “No one will ever eat a banana in the post office ever again.”


USPS Memo Posted on July 18, 2015 at NJI/NDC

One thought on “USPS: “Under No Circumstances” should employees be charging personal cell phones using Government Outlets and Computers

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Philadelphia, PA Area Local #89
    Office held, if any
    Retired Maintenance Craft Electronics Technician / Retiree Activist Member

    Recently asked by a member in the Facebook Group: “Are USPS employees allowed to charge their personal cell phones while at work?” (he and others were referred to the post on this page)

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