USPS: Standards approved for larger curbside boxes

[maxgallery id=”40453″]The Postal Service has approved new design standards for curbside mailboxes, a move that will allow customers to purchase bigger boxes than can accommodate packages.

Under the new rule, mailboxes must be able to fit a minimum sized mail item 7 inches high by 13 inches wide by 16 inches deep.

The rule will take effect Sept. 13 and apply to curbside boxes served by letter and rural carriers. The standard doesn’t apply to mailboxes made for door delivery service.

Customers with curbside boxes won’t be required to switch to the new size, but they’ll have the option once the larger boxes hit the market.

“This is another example of the Postal Service implementing policies to help improve our route deliveries,” said Delivery Operations VP Ed Phelan. “This will provide customers greater security and ease-of-use.”

The new rule follows extensive testing this year of the 13-by-7-inch mailboxes, which proved popular with customers and employees alike.

The bigger boxes are part of the Postal Service’s broader effort to grow its parcel delivery business.

Source: Mailbox makeover | USPS News Link

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