Postal Service employees can order USPS-approved T-shirts to promote the Breast Cancer Research and Alzheimer’s semipostal stamps.
Employees can order the shirts, at their own expense, from Tee Luv at Employees must enter this passcode when placing orders: usps2019.
Each shirt sells for $13.99.
Orders for the Breast Cancer Research shirts, available in pink and black, will be accepted until Sept. 15 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.
Orders for the Alzheimer’s shirts, available in white, will be accepted until Oct. 15 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.
USPS is also reminding employees to only promote semipostal stamp activities or events in accordance with Ethics Office guidelines.
Seeking donations or holding raffles or drawings tied to semipostal stamps is not permitted.
Employees who have questions can email them to
Source: USPS