From: Vance Zimmerman <>
Sent: Monday, May 3, 2021
Subject: Additional Information on Reorganization StructureThis afternoon management sent the attached documents with the email below:
Additional information regarding the Reorganization Structure has been announced today. Attached is a Memo from Doug Tulino regarding the reorg and a presentation that provides flow charts for the organization structures that include bargaining unit employees.
I have been informed that at this time there are no anticipated impacts to bargaining unit employees who work out of the current District offices.
Thank you,
Shannon Richardson
Headquarters APWU Contract AdministrationThe mentions of RIFs or “early outs” (VER) in the documents are for EAS employees–not craft. We do not have any other information at this time. You may disseminate.
Vance Zimmerman
Industrial Relations Director
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
1300 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005-4128
Tel: 202.842.4273 | Fax: 202.371.0992