The Office of Inspector General is tasked with ensuring efficiency, accountability, and integrity in the U.S. Postal Service. We also have the distinct mission of helping to maintain confidence in the mail and postal system, as well as to improve the Postal Service’s bottom line. We use audits and investigations to help protect the integrity of the Postal Service. Our Semiannual Report to Congress presents a snapshot of the work we did to fulfill our mission for the 6-month period ending March 31, 2015. (scroll down for full report and fact sheet)
A Message from the Inspector General
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) — together with the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors, Congress, and Postal Service management — plays a key role in maintaining the integrity and accountability of America’s Postal Service, its revenue and assets, and its employees through our audit and investigative work. This report, submitted pursuant to the Inspector General Act, outlines our work and activities for the 6-month period ending March 31, 2015. Our efforts focused on identifying ways to improve Postal Service efficiencies, reduce strategic and financial risk, and lower operational costs. Among the reports featured in this semiannual report are audits on revenue protection and Sunday delivery of parcels; a management advisory on city carrier compensation costs; and white papers on a wide range of topics, including the Postal Service’s universal service obligation. During this period, we issued 74 audit reports, management advisories, PARIS risk models and white papers, and the Postal Service accepted 92 percent of our significant recommendations. We completed 1,955 investigations that led to 370 arrests and nearly $1.4 billion in fines, restitutions, and recoveries, $10.7 million of which was turned over to the Postal Service. As an invaluable infrastructure serving American citizens and commerce, the Postal Service deserves to be positioned for success in the digital age. The challenges are considerable, but so are the opportunities. I look forward to working with the new Postmaster General and her management team, and with the Governors and Congress to address the challenges ahead.
David C. Williams
Inspector General
Full Report
Fact Sheet