USPS OIG Report: Subscription Box Services and the U.S. Postal Service


A Small Selection of Subscription Box Services Currently Available

December 9, 2015
This brief discussion of an “Issue in Focus” contains candid observations and opinions from staff members of the Office of Inspector General.

Imagine combining the child-like excitement of opening a birthday present with the daily anticipation of checking the mailbox for a letter addressed to you. Well, you can stop imagining because that is the experience created by subscription box services, a relatively new industry that sends customers monthly or quarterly boxes of their favorite food, clothes, beverages, or toys, among other things. Beginning around 2010, this industry has experienced rapid growth and attracted substantial attention from venture capital firms and innovative entrepreneurs looking for the next big subscription box idea. Moreover and more relevant for the U.S. Postal Service, an essential element of this industry is the ability to ship and track parcels sent to their legions of loyal customers.

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Source: Issue in Focus: Subscription Box Services and the U.S. Postal Service | USPS Office of Inspector General

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