This report presents the results of our self-initiated audit of Postage and Fee Refunds – Bellmawr, NJ, Main Window. The Bellmawr Main Window is in the South Jersey District of the Eastern Area. This audit was designed to provide Postal Service management with timely information on potential financial control risks at Postal Service locations.
Account Identifier Code (AIC) 553, Refund Postage and Fees, is used to record refunds of customers postage and fees paid for special services not received. OIG data analytics identified the Bellmawr Main Window as having the highest amount recorded to AIC 553 during fiscal year (FY) 2018 quarter (Q) 4, and FY 2019, Q1. During this period the unit reported $78,659 in AIC 553, with more than $60,000 in FY 2018, Q4. In addition, refunds during this period exceeded those of the same period last year by $45,730, an increase of 139 percent. In addition, postage and fee refunds for the Bellmawr Main Window were nearly 64 percent of the overall refunds in this AIC in the South Jersey District during this period.
The objective of this audit was to determine whether postage and fee refunds were valid, properly supported, and processed at the Bellmawr Main Window.
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Source: USPS Office of Inspector General