USPS OIG: Property Condition Review Capping Report


The post office lobby is the principal business office of the U.S. Postal Service. There are over 30,000 leased and owned Postal Service retail facilities nationwide. For most customers, the lobby is their only close-up view of Postal Service operations; therefore, its appearance directly affects the Postal Service’s public image. The Postal Service must maintain a safe environment for both employees and customers, including adherence to federal safety laws enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and internal policies and procedures regarding the appearance of lobbies and facilities, safety, and security of its facilities.

What We Did

Our objective was to summarize the results of prior property condition reviews of Postal Service retail facilities, identify systemic issues, and assess the effectiveness of management’s corrective actions.

What We Found

The property condition review audits collectively determined that the Postal Service did not maintain its facilities as required. We found systemic issues with management’s oversight to consistently address recurring maintenance issues. Although corrective actions were taken to address the issues found in our prior reviews, these actions were not effective at ensuring that employees followed policies and procedures to maintain the appearance, health and safety, and security standards at retail and delivery facilities.

We identified a total of 728 issues across the 46 facilities visited. These included 416 maintenance and appearance, 284 health and safety, and 28 security issues. We made 51 recommendations to address the issues identified, which included unclean lobbies, damaged ceilings and lighting, tripping hazards, possible mold, and blocked electrical panels and exit doors. During follow up visits to selected districts, we found new deficiencies as well as some previously identified deficiencies that management reported as corrected but were not remedied. These issues occurred because the Postal Service does not have a formal and consistent process to assess if building maintenance and appearance, health and safety, and security standards are followed at retail and delivery facilities.

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One thought on “USPS OIG: Property Condition Review Capping Report

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU #64 and NALC #100 SoCaL
    Office held, if any
    Postal Improver and Advocate for almost 29yrs
    Email Address

    I noticed #2 on the USPS OIG UNDELIVERED report changed from Disagree (don’t tell Customer’s status of undelivered mail) to AGREE. The date of change is not indicated but I have pics prior to June 2023 it said Disagree….. SO, does that mean all of the zip codes in the TV news stories on youtube “carrier robbed” and “master Key stolen” MANY since the USPS OIG KEY report informing thugs how easy with no cap getting keys is… The SAME month postal police were taken off patrol… Postmaster Louis DeJoy (google his bro Dominick) set up the Post Office to Implode with Distrust, Mistrust, etc. while he redesigns the PO to benefit LDJ Global Strategies..

    Anyone wanting to make a documentary on the DeJoy-Wos family, all of the content is ready (StateoftheUSPS on Facebook).

    Please sign the moveon petition off the clock if the action doesn’t jive with your union. Board of Gov RON STROMAN saw this petition on April 24th but didn’t mention it at the May 9th Board of Gov meeting.

    Someone needs to interview that man that KNOWS everything. He even left and came back…

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