USPS OIG: Postal Service Elevator Repair Program

Project Title: Postal Service Elevator Repair Program
Start Date: Monday, May 11, 2020
Estimated Report Release Date: November 2020

The Postal Service operates over 1,400 elevators and escalators in approximately 470 of its owned facilities. These include passenger, service, and freight elevators of various types and sizes, as well as platform lifts and dumbwaiters. Each facility with elevator or escalator equipment is required to have a maintenance and repair service plan in place to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) certification requirements

The objective of this audit is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Postal Service’s elevator repair program. Specifically, we will review timeliness, cost controls, and operational safety.

  • What is the overall condition of elevators located in USPS facilities?
  • Are you aware of elevator equipment that is often out of service or potentially unsafe?
  • How have delayed or unresolved elevator maintenance and repairs impacted Postal Service operations?

Source: USPS Office of Inspector General

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