USPS OIG: Have You Had Timecard Issues Related to Disallowed Time or Time Charged to Wrong Code?

Project Title: Timecard Administration
Start Date: Thursday, January 9, 2020
Estimated Report Release Date: May 2020

The Postal Service uses the Time and Attendance Collection System (TACS) to capture the number of workhours employees spend working various post office operations. Employees record the time and operations they work by swiping electronic timecards on an electronic badge reader. Postal Service procedures require employees to swipe their timecards and enter an operation code each time they begin working a new operation. Managers are responsible for ensuring data integrity, including accurate recording of workhours and correcting timekeeping errors.

In recent years, there have been concerns about time charges being improperly adjusted and time charged to incorrect charge codes. The Postal Service is looking into new timekeeping technology and enhancing TACS to strengthen controls over disallowed time (time taken away). Our audit objectives are to assess whether and charges were made in accordance with Postal Service policy and to assess enhancements to the timecard system.

If you have experienced timecard issues related to timecard adjustments and time charged to the wrong code, we would like to hear from you.

  • What has been your experience with disallowed time and time charged to a wrong code? Why do you think each scenario occurs?
  • What suggestions do you have to improve the current timekeeping system and process, including the use of new timecard technology?

Source: USPS Office of Inspector General

Related: NALC Guide to Identifying Intentional False Editing of Clock Rings

Also See: USPS OIG Report: Timecard Adjustments in the Greater Boston District

UPDATE: USPS OIG Report: Timecard Administration (December 2020)

One thought on “USPS OIG: Have You Had Timecard Issues Related to Disallowed Time or Time Charged to Wrong Code?

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Office held, if any
    Page Field
    Email Address

    I’ve had a supervisor fraudulently adjust my time. She added a .5 lunch to a 6 hour day when I didn’t take a lunch. Then she pretended like she didn’t do it when I asked her about it. I work at Page Field post office in Florida. Supervisors should not be allowed to alter clock rings. That would help cut down illegal and fraudulent clock alterations.

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