USPS OIG: Exit Strategies

April 26, 2021
Leaving a job involves a number of steps: returning computers, turning in IDs, revoking access, and a host of other administrative tasks. Every step needs to take place in a timely manner to maintain physical and digital security for an organization.

Does the Postal Service do a good job of revoking physical access when employees and contractors leave? This is one of the questions we sought to answer in a recently released audit report, U.S. Postal Service Exit Processing, which looks at exit processing procedures over a two-year period.

We found that over a quarter of the 198 randomly selected employee separations we examined were not handled in a timely manner, with processing taking place between one and 114 days after separation. Processing problems extended to collecting badges as well as building keys, parking passes, and other accountable items. We found that documentation was not maintained, with 90 percent of the separations missing completed clearance checklists.

Furthermore, almost half of the employees with missing checklists had active badges on their separation date. The problem extended to contractors, as well, with the Postal Service lacking proper paperwork supporting inactive contractors’ return of Postal Service property or revocation of property access.

These findings show the Postal Service is at risk of former postal employees and contractors gaining access to facilities or misusing Postal assets and other accountable items.

How does your employer ensure former employees can no longer improperly access company assets and facilities?

Source: USPS Office of Inspector General

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