USPS OIG: Calling All Revenue-Generation Ideas

clip-art-of-a-brainstormYou can’t cut your way to prosperity. That seems to be the message coming out of many of the comments we received on our recent blog about the next phase of network consolidation. So, if cutting alone isn’t the answer, what are your ideas for revenue growth?

Five years ago, we ran a blog post asking stakeholders for their best brainstorming ideas to help the U.S. Postal Service improve its net income. Interestingly, the suggestions seemed split about evenly between cutting costs and generating revenue. So, this time, we want to ask just about revenue-generation ideas. Of course, we welcome any thoughts you have on ensuring a viable Postal Service. That’s what this forum for stakeholder feedback is all about. So this week we ask you to consider the following:

  • What is the number one idea you have to raise Postal Service revenue?

via Calling All Revenue-Generation Ideas | Office of Inspector General.

One thought on “USPS OIG: Calling All Revenue-Generation Ideas

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Office held, if any
    Steward & Executive Officer
    In the past I have suggested that the retail units be allowed to sell local postcards & souvenirs. We have many tourists/visitors who send things home & often ask if we have picture postcards, key chains & even t-shirts featuring our local picturesque beauty (Mt. Rainier, The Olympics, etc.) Why not provide one-stop shopping for tourists!

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