May 23, 2022
The most important goal of our office is to do excellent work that promotes efficiency and effectiveness and ensures integrity at the Postal Service. That is only the first step though. Good work also needs to be easily available to the people who use it. We want to make it simple for you, and all our stakeholders, to find the information you need.We have added five new pages to improve the accessibility of our work and keep you informed:
- Upcoming Audit Work provides brief descriptions of some of our recently announced audit projects. During the early fieldwork phase of these projects, usually around 45 days, you can submit any specific information or feedback you have on a particular project by using the link provided. We want to hear from you.
- Field Operation Reviews brings together our audit work on postal facility-related projects by geographic cluster. You can get a comprehensive look at mail processing and property conditions throughout the country as well as drill down to individual reports.
- Closed Investigations is an interactive dashboard that shows all completed investigations in the past two years. The dashboard will be updated twice a year, and the information can be viewed by investigation type, state, congressional district, or the first 3 digits of a ZIP Code.
- Focus on . . . is a new series of pages that aggregate and synthesize our work on a particular topic in one place. Our first topic is The Importance of the Postal Service in Rural Areas.
- Did You Know . . . provides short and easy-to-understand answers to common questions about the Postal Service and the Office of Inspector General. Are we missing your question? Just submit it at the bottom of the Did You Know . . . page.
To learn more, check out our New Pages Announcement. It includes a video by Inspector General Tammy Whitcomb describing each page.
Let us know what you think of these new pages and how they fit your needs. Which will you use most? What else can we do to make it easier for you to access and use our work?
Source / Comments: USPS Office of Inspector General