USPS OIG Audit Project: Mail Service Providers

What can the Postal Service do to ensure successful partnerships with mail service providers?

mail_ServiceProviderLOGOMail service providers (MSPs) play an important role in the Postal Service’s complicated mailing system. Organizations can use MSPs to assist them in designing, creating, preparing, and processing their mailings. MSPs help mailers who lack in-house mailing expertise navigate complex mail preparation and induction requirements and stay up to date with changing rules. MSPs also work to achieve the lowest possible rates for their clients by, among other things, taking advantage of worksharing discounts. MSPs can be seen as informal partners with the Postal Service because they promote use of the mail and help make it an attractive and cost-effective way for organizations to advertise and conduct business. In fiscal year 2014, MSPs generated $10 billion in revenue for the Postal Service.

What do you think; we would love to hear from you.

Are there other services, or changes to existing services, MSPs could offer that would promote mail use?

What, if anything, could the Postal Service do to leverage the expertise of MSPs to increase mail volume?

If you are an MSP, what changes could the Postal Service make that would help your business?

Start Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Estimated Report Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2015

via Mail Service Providers | Office of Inspector General.

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