USPS: New “Robust Bulk Universal Sorter” speeds package processing

Mike Huey, a mail processing clerk at the Chicago Processing and Distribution Center, operates a Robust Bulk Universal Sorter recently.

USPS has added a new machine at several mail processing facilities to help move packages faster.

The Robust Bulk Universal Sorter is capable of processing Priority Mail packages and oversized First-Class Mail packages that other machines can’t handle.

Fitted with two dumpers, the sorters feature a middle point where an employee uses an overhead scanner that directs packages to two belts on each side of the machine, improving efficiency.

“This new machine … reduces damage to packages and allows us to dispatch to the stations faster,” said Scott Gantner, an operations industrial engineer at the Chicago Processing and Distribution Center, one of four facilities where the machine has been installed.

Since the sorter was added to the plant in August, it has received praise from employees.

“It’s a very efficient machine. I really like it,” said Mail Processing Clerk Mike Huey.

The Robust Bulk Universal Sorter is part of the Postal Service’s ongoing efforts to grow its package business. This equipment set also includes the Universal Sort System, a highly automated machine for handling the organization’s growing volume of non-machineable pieces.

USPS has added other equipment, too, including Automated Delivery Unit Sorters that are being rolled out to 30 facilities this year.

Source: USPS

One thought on “USPS: New “Robust Bulk Universal Sorter” speeds package processing

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Stamford CT Area Local 240
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    We are being notified in Stamford Local 240 – Stamford P&DC of the possibility of getting the RBUS. Does anyone who currently has this RBUS know the staffing of Clerk Mail Processors vs Mail Handlers?

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