The USPS published a misleading News Link article on advance annual leave on March 14th. A correction should be made. It said:
“If you’re planning to retire or leave USPS this year, the organization wants you to pay attention to your ‘Earned Annual Leave Balance.’ Remember: If the number goes negative, the Postal Service will mail you an invoice to pay back your overdrawn leave.”
There is an important exception for disabled workers:
ELM 512.722: “Collection is not required in cases of death or in the case of separation due to a disability that prevents an employee from returning to duty or continuing in the Postal Service.”
Employees who separate due to a disability and get a Letter of Demand for advanced annual leave should be encouraged to file a grievance per Article 28.4.C and ELM 512.722.
This exception has existed a very long time. Attached is a Postal Bulletin from 1969!