USPS: Los Angeles team achieves parcel-sorting success


Los Angeles ISC employee Sheila Rice operates new package sorting equipment.

The Postal Service’s new package-sorting equipment continues to exceed expectations, especially at one California facility where parcels are being sorted faster than ever.

The Los Angeles International Service Center (ISC), one of a handful of plants in the nation to have a new Small Parcel Sorting System (SPSS), recently achieved a breakthrough performance.

The ISC’s machine sorted 754,000 pieces in a single week, a new record.

The team attributes it success to staying focused, including conducting daily meetings on performance and reviewing hourly production levels, said Pacific Area In-Plant Support Manager Tracie Hill-Sandifer.

“This team thinks of itself as a championship racing crew,” Hill-Sandifer said. “The SPSS is the car, the operator is the driver and the machineable parcels are the gas that fuels our success. And if they fall behind, they work quickly to get back in the race.”
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The new equipment represents a major investment for USPS, which is striving to continue growing its package delivery service. More facilities are slated to receive the SPSS before the start of the peak holiday season.

Plants are continuing to upgrade other equipment as well.

Source: Top speed | USPS News Link

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