USPS is Hiring — Including Postal Retirees

The U.S. Postal Service is in the process of hiring thousands of Holiday Clerk Assistants, Holiday City Carrier Assistants, Holiday Transportation Assistants (truck drivers) and Rural Carriers for the peak season which starts November 7th. These jobs are posted at

Some peak season jobs are earmarked for “annuitants.” A few are for retired supervisors. Temporary supervisors should NOT be supervising clerks per the MOU Clerk Craft Jobs, Section 2, unless they are covering the absence or vacancy of a supervisor for 14 days or more.

Annuitant Peak Season Supervisors Violated CBA

First Name: Don
Last Name: Cheney
Union/Local: APWU-Auburn WA Local
Office held if any: Retired President

2 thoughts on “USPS is Hiring — Including Postal Retirees

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Grovetown, GA
    Email Address

    I’m interested to work ASAP!

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter
    Office held, if any
    Email Address

    Last year we had a member do this. When you go back on the rolls as a member of the APWU Retiree Department OPM stops retiree dues. It took @ 9 months to get it straightened out for our member, without any back dues. Started over in September. If I was active I would oppose this on principle. The hours belong to the Local, not retirees.

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