USPS: HRSSC offers employees services, info

The Human Resources Shared Service Center, based in Greensboro, NC, serves the 600,000-member USPS workforce.

If you’re a Postal Service employee, you’ve probably heard of the Human Resources Shared Service Center, but do you understand what the HRSSC does — and how it can help you?

If not, here’s what you should know:

• The HRSSC offers a variety of services and information. The center, based in Greensboro, NC, can help employees enroll in benefits programs, set up self-service profiles, participate in job bidding, begin the retirement process and perform many other human resources-related activities.

The HRSSC’s resources are available to everyone, although the center is especially valuable to craft employees who don’t have regular access to ACE computers.

USPS created the HRSSC in 2005 to provide the organization with a centralized, standardized approach to human resources activities.

• The HRSSC is busy. The center has more than 500 employees who serve the 600,000-member postal workforce.

To give you a sense of the HRSSC’s workload: During the one-year period that ended Sept. 30, the center scanned more than 2.6 million electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) documents; handled more than 969,000 phone calls; processed more than 234,000 Family and Medical Leave Act certifications; and created 80,000 requisitions to hire employees.

• It’s easier than ever to contact the HRSSC. The center recently introduced a Blue page that makes it easy for employees to find information.

The page features streamlined menus, a mobile-friendly layout and easy navigation and search capabilities.

Additionally, the page lists the HRSSC’s contact information, including telephone and fax numbers, mailing address and an interactive feedback form.

Source: USPS

3 thoughts on “USPS: HRSSC offers employees services, info

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    NALC Branch #90
    Email Address

    I began my employment with U.S.P.S. on 1/6/96 and worked to 8/13/99. I did not break my employment with the postal service and began on 8/14/99 as a city carrier. I worked full-time a majority of the time up to 8/13/99, but received no retirement or annuity credit. I am 67 1/2 years old now and really could use those years I worked for my RCD & ACD. Is there a way I could receive credit or buy back the 3 years 8 months of work that did not count towards my retirement years? I feel this would only be fair since I was delivering U.S. mail just like any other U.S.P.S. carrier/employee.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    NALC - Levittown, PA 19058
    Office held, if any
    Email Address

    GOOD LUCK!! MY HUSBAND HAS BEEN TRYING TO RETIRE AND HAS BEEN LWOP FOR 22 months and w/o healthcare for 10 months. SSA has been the hero in our case at least they have been paying him for 5 months it took threats and many emails/calls etc to even get shared services and opm to admit they knew of each other!

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - NW Louisiana Local #418
    Email Address

    I am 60 years old and am looking to retire soon. I was told that the USPS offers a supplement to those who retire before they are eligible to draw Social Security to wedge the gap until the age of 62. I would like to know if this is offered and about how much this supplement would be.
    Thank You

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