Where do I fit? – FERS information offered for newly hired career postal employees

FERS_usps_news_linkHave you started a Postal Service career job within the last few years? If so, the date you began your career appointment determines which Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) category covers you.

If you were hired after Jan. 1, 2013, and have no previous federal service — or if you had less than five years of creditable career service as of that date — you’re covered under the FERS-Revised Annuity Employee (RAE) category.

FERS-RAE employees are required to pay 3.1 percent of their basic pay toward their retirement contributions.

However, if you were hired after Jan. 1, 2014, and have no previous federal service — or if you had less than five years of creditable career service — you’re covered under the FERS-Further Revised Annuity Employee (FRAE) category.

FERS-FRAE employees are required to pay 4.4 percent of their basic pay toward their retirement contributions.

One exception: Law enforcement officers are required to pay 3.6 percent of their basic pay under FERS-RAE and 4.9 percent of their basic pay under FERS-FRAE.

Retirement eligibility rules are the same for FERS-RAE and FERS-FRAE employees.

To learn more, visit the Retirement page on LiteBlue.

Source: Where do I fit? | USPS News Link

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