USPS extends return-to-sender time frames

By extending return-to-sender time frames, USPS aims to help customers navigate the challenges associated with the coronavirus pandemic.

To assist customers during the coronavirus pandemic, the Postal Service has temporarily extended the time frames when a mailpiece will be returned to sender.

Under the Domestic Mail Manual, the current time frames are 15 days for most accountable items, except for Priority Mail Express pieces, which have a five-day time frame, and Collect on Delivery pieces, which have a 10-day time frame.

Under postal policy, the time frame is 10 days generally for all other mail.

USPS will temporarily extend the current time frames to 30 days for all mailpieces, unless a customer has requested a return time frame at the time of mailing. Perishable items will continue to be handled as indicated under current postal policy.

All customer notifications for items with an attempted delivery date of March 28 or later will be updated to reflect the extended 30-day time frame. The Postal Service is also working on implementing additional notices to remind customers about missed delivery items and the extended 30-day time frame.

When an item cannot be delivered on the first attempt, customers have several options for redelivery or pickup. Customers can:

• Schedule a redelivery online at

• Complete PS Form 3849, We ReDeliver For You!, and place the form in their mailbox

• Go to their local Post Office to pick up their items

• Manage redeliveries at

• Send a representative to pick up mail at the local Post Office; the addressee must sign PS Form 3849 and indicate the name of the representative

• Call 800-ASK-USPS (800-275-8777) to schedule a redelivery

Extending the time frame to 30 days for all mail classes will help customers navigate the challenges associated with the coronavirus pandemic.

Additionally, the Postal Service has also modified the procedures for carriers obtaining signatures upon delivery.

This change will continue until further notice.

For more information, send an email to

Source: USPS

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