UPDATED: USPS EXFC Scores for First Class and Parcel – Compiled Spreadsheets

usps-failVia APWU Member Sam Wood:
These are revised spreadsheets that are more precise than my previous spreadsheet based on the following new information. The information contained in these new spreadsheets should be the most accurate compiled USPS EXFC First Class or Parcel Score information that you will find anywhere.

Management gave us Second Quarter Overnight EXFC and Parcel Scores based on the first 10 days of January prior to the Operation Window Changes (OWC) that management made when they stopped tracking overnight first class and parcel mail. This allowed them to essentially hide the actual delayed percentages.

I had to go through each weekly report in 2015 to find out where management got their second quarter percentages for overnight. Since there was no figures recorded after January 10, 2015, I changed my Excel Spreadsheets to reflect the actual results. Management has changed Overnight First Class mail into a two day operation. I added the 2-Day EXFC percentages to this new spreadsheet and created a separate Parcel Spreadsheet. Management’s 2-Day EXFC and Parcel scores are even worse than previous overnight scores prior to Management’s service standard changes in early January 2015.

Please discard my previous spreadsheet and share the attached.
Included in this spreadsheet are:

  1. First Class Overnight EXFC Scores (Quarters 1 & 2)
  2. First Class 2-Day Scores (Quarters 1 & 2)
  3. First Class Only 3-5 Day Scores (Quarters 1 & 2)

Included in this spreadsheet are:

  1. Parcel Overnight Scores (Quarters 1 & 2)
  2. Parcel 2-Day Scores (Quarters 1 & 2)
  3. Parcel 3-5 Day Scores (Quarters 1 & 2)

EXFC Explained

EXFC = External First Class Mail.

The USPS came up with a measurement system called “EXFC” which is maintained by a contracted third party vendor. EXFC measures the time from the mail being dropped off into a collection box or lobby chute until it is delivered to a home or a business. This mail could be any First Class Mail whether it be letters, cards or flats.

These third party independent contractors are divided up into two (2) groups:

  1. Droppers – Who are made up by about 1200 independent contractors who seed pieces into randomly selected collection boxes.
  2. Reporters – Who are made up by about 14,000 independent contractors who receive EXFC test mail and report the receipt date.

The EXFC Measures 892 individual 3-digit Zip Code Areas throughout the country.

Although the average EXFC mail pieces fluctuates, the minimum destination mail volume targets for most districts are currently:

2-Day – 3735 pieces (per district)
3-5 Day – 4185 pieces (per district)

Last Quarter (FY15, Quarter 2) approximately 580,000 pieces were used for EXFC reporting (out of approximately 6 billion single pieces of First Class Mail (which is approximately 1/100th of a percent of First Class Mail).

Once again, I hope that you enjoy the information provided, I hope it will be of use to all of you.

Sam Wood – SWoodFla@aol.com
President, Southwest Florida Area Local / APWU

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