USPS: Employees urged to avoid heat-related injuries

heat_stress_2USPS reminds employees to use caution this summer, when high temperatures, humidity and direct sun can increase the risk of heat stress.

Signs and symptoms include hot, dry skin or profuse sweating. Other symptoms can include fatigue, excessive thirst, muscle aches and cramps, weakness and confusion or anxiety.

Here are some ways to protect yourself:

• Drink plenty of water, even if you don’t feel thirsty.
• Wear light, loose-fitting clothing.
• Use sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 15.
• Take regular, scheduled breaks.

Employees who experience symptoms of heat stress — or who notice symptoms in co-workers — should immediately contact their supervisors for assistance.

The Postal Service has produced a video to help employees recognize and avoid heat-related illnesses.

Additional information is on the Safety site.

Source: Hot tips | USPS News Link

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