The Postal Service wants employees to know that the organization’s ethics rules continue to apply during the coronavirus pandemic.
Employees should remember they are prohibited from:
- Using their postal positions for the private gain of themselves or other persons or entities, including their friends or relatives
- Using postal property or work time for personal — beyond authorized limited use — or other unauthorized purposes
- Participating while in their postal capacities in matters that involve their own private interests or those of other persons or entities, including their friends or relatives
- Accepting gifts from outside sources
“Postal employees perform a public service that is based on the public’s trust,” said Jessica Brewster-Johnson, senior ethics counsel. “Public service must be free of any taint of private financial interest. Maintaining the public’s trust drives positive business results for the Postal Service. Following the ethics rules helps maintain the public’s trust in the Postal Service.”
The Ethics Blue page has more information. If you have questions, call the ethics hotline at 202-268-6346 or send an email to
Source: USPS